Talk about your LEGALLY BLONDE rip-offs; without the university. Simpson is not Elle Wood, and the "dumb gorgeous blonde" scenario has gotten old-school; you could literally vomit. As said on American IDOL: Do not toy with an original; there are no copycats.Jessica Simpson cannot act to save her self. And her obvious looks do not fool anyone. She should stick to modeling and commercials. And pity Luke Wilson. His obvious talent has come twofold. And while he "redeemed" Elle Woods in LEGALLY BLONDE, they attempted to copycat that here, and it failed. Unlike Reese Witherspoon, he has no chemistry with Simpson. weak script - weak plot - weak portrayal - weak outlay
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This is a truly awful movie, but wonderful at the same time. It's like Tokyo Drift ... although not quite as stupid as that masterpiece. Blonde Ambition is not a mean, ugly film like Showgirls, which they have tried to rebrand as a cult classic. Rather, it is a piece of bubblegum ... and a monument of sugary stupidity rarely achieved in cinema ... therefore bubblegum you can savor long after the flavor is gone. Watching Jessica Simpson mug like an idiot, trying to do slapstick, possibly the worst I've ever seen, is a joy beyond words. Andy Dick is a dick. I guess Luke Wilson has some talent, but this script is so bad it's kind of fun to watch the what-the-****-am-i-doing-in-this-t*rd looks fall across his face as he tries to deliver the awful lines. Highly recommended.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This was a silly movie with a predictable storyline and dreadful acting!! Willy Nelson was as stiff as his braids. The movie just seemed like a very long advert for the bright red lipstick that Jessica Simpson wore - especially as there were so many close-ups on her face. The premise was not amusing and as I said - soooooooo predictable. Whatever money was spent on making this movie was a shameful waste. Any allusions to other old Marilyn Monroe movies did not enhance the viewing of Blonde Ambition at all. It was also so unbelievable - Jessica Simpson being able to step into an executive secretary position at the drop of a hat - that was laughable!!!